Location: Providence Golf Club (656 Providence Club Dr Monroe, GA 30656) Date: April 1stTime: Check in time: 8:30 Tee Time: 9:30 Shotgun Start All proceeds will go to the athletic department at Victory Baptist School in Loganville
Additional Information: - 4-man scramble
- breakfast and a sack lunch and snacks will be provided for each golfer
- A giveaway will take place at the conclusion of the event
- A mulligan package will be available to purchase at registration
Sponsor Information: Head Tournament Sponsor - 4x6 banner with company name for Golf tournament
- Banner will also be on display at home baseball games for the remainder of the school year
- Hole Sponsorship at Golf Tournament
- Company announced at ending ceremony
- Foursome spot to play in tournament Tournament Sponsor
- 4x6 banner with company name for Golf tournament
- Hole Sponsorship at Golf Tournament
- Company announced at ending ceremony
- Foursome spot to play in tournament Special Sponsor
- Staked yard sign at tee box with company name
- Company handouts if applicable
- Company announced at ending ceremony
- Foursome spot to play in tournament Hole Sponsor
- Staked yard sign at tee box with company name
- Company announced at ending ceremony
-Please contact our athletic department for any questions at athletics@victorybaptistschool.org
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