Better Homes Business
Loganville, Georgia, 30052
Experience - 29+ years. Georgia native. Licensed in Georgia and Florida. Active member and Trustee of the Walton-Barrow Board of REALTORS (President in 2007 & 2011). State Director for the Georgia Association of REALTORS (2006-2023). Voted REALTOR of the YEAR (2009 & 2015). Crystal Phoenix Million Dollar Club (1999-2022). RE/MAX Hall of Fame and RE/MAX Lifetime Achievement recipient. Active member of the Walton County Chamber of Commerce, and served as Chamber Chairperson in 2015. Serves on the Board of Directors for the Walton County YMCA, and the Walton County United Way. Goals are to provide outstanding professional services to Clients and Customers with Real Estate needs, and to earn trust and exceed expectations. Call or email anytime for assistance. EXPERIENCE experience. Your call will be answered.